OUGD301 - Evaluation.

This has definitely been a stressful and challenging module, but also one I have gained a lot from.

I got out of this module what I wanted to in terms of my rationale. The briefs I completed were relevant to my practice and allowed me to create pieces of work in the areas that I intend to specialise in. I feel I've got a good selection of branding projects which was my main aim, as well as some editorial work that I'm really happy with.

I didn't complete 2 of the briefs I set out to do. Some briefs turned out to be a lot bigger than I originally intended, which resulted in not having the time to do them. I am quite disappointed about this, but I feel that I still have an amount of work that shows the time we've spent on this module. Maybe these briefs will form part of my FMP next year.

Having quick turnaround briefs throughout this module was definitely a good idea. I was impressed at what could be achieved in such a short period of time. It also forced me to make quick decisions which I then brought forward into my more substantial briefs.

It was great to experience working for a client with the digital milk round brief, even if it was a bad experience at that. It was frustrating at times, especially since Bridget obviously had in mind what she wanted from the beginning but left it open. I'm not happy with the designs, I don't particularly like them and it isn't the style of work that I would normally produce. This was the reason I decided to do live briefs though, so that I could experience the restrictions.

Time management has definitely been an issue, I had a bad start and it made a big impact on the rest of the module. I struggled working on more than one brief at a time. When I was enjoying working on a brief, I found myself making that brief priority and ended up not sticking to my set timetables. When I had set myself deadlines for briefs, I didn't stick to it for some of them, especially the Anthony Rimmer branding brief. This was the first brief I started and was also the last brief I finished. I just couldn't get it to something I was happy with it, and even now i'm not. It was the branding brief I spent the most time on and also my least favourite. I won't be letting another brief go on for that amount of time again.

I was on top of my practice blog throughout, but my context blog lagged behind a little. It wasn't because I wasn't looking, I just got into the habit of saving images and not putting them up on my blog as soon as I'd found them. Again, something that will keep in mind for the next module.

Overall, a fairly successful module. I've enjoyed it and come out of it with a few portfolio pieces that I am happy with and feel represents me as a designer.

Anthony Rimmer - Final letterhead

Anthony Rimmer - FINAL logo.

Anthony Rimmer - Development

After playing about with it some more, I think i'm going to revert back to the original idea. The contrast between the delicate lines of the logo and boldness of the text is too much.

Anthony Rimmer - Development

I think I'm finally getting somewhere.

Anthony Rimmer - Development

Anthony Rimmer - Further development.

I still wasn't happy with the Anthony Rimmer Architecture identity, so I've had another go at it.

I've not started a new design, just tried to develop the one I had into something that works better on such a small scale.

Final crit feedback.

Feedback for boards:

- layouts are good - clear
- add page numbers
- how mag doesn't need as many layout shots
- logos for each project - good idea
- maybe add specs for fonts, colour, stock etc
- expand on written parts
- add brief to impact board
- vectorise typeface on how mag impact board rather than have the photo
- strong photography
- adjust spacing between images
- consider adjusting gutter size

Action Plan:

- Create new impact board with just logo and briefs
- Add page numbers to boards
- Re photograph 3 of the branding briefs
- Add in vector typeface instead of photograph of posters
- Decide which projects to hand in - does this effect whats on my boards?

Questions for final crit.

Are the boards communicating the projects clearly?

I've gone for a high impact image for the first boards, should I be telling the story instead?

Any suggestions of other images I should be including?

Feel free to write on the boards.
Not all boards are finished. The How magazine boards are, the branding and live briefs are also.