
Over the summer I spent the day in Beamish museum, a village set back in 1913. It's full of lovely old advertisements, and it really was a great day out. Whilst there, I collected a lot of postcards and took a ridiculous amount of pictures (look at my summer 09 blog for more info and pictures).

For this brief, we had to create 4 postcards using only what we had collected over the summer. I wanted to work with a theme so I looked at what I had collected at Beamish and found that a lot of it was to do with 'Votes for Women', so this is what I focussed on. As this brief was particularly about colour, I looked through my collections for the most reoccurring colours. I found that these where green and purple, which became the focus for my designs.

Here's what I ended up with.

Full colour CMYK image.
(Using postcard collected over summer)

2 colour logo - green & purple.

3 colour word, plus tints - purple, green & brown.
(the tints are the lighter shade of the dark brown)

1 colour pictogram - purple.

All postcards were also printed on a light yellow/cream stock.

I'm not overly pleased about these, especially the pictogram as I really struggled with that one. However, this brief forced me to experiment with colour, and I have come out of it knowing so many ways it can be used.

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