Questionnaire results

Do you like Smoothies?
Yes - 95.2%
No - 4.8%

If yes, how often do you drink them?
Every day - 0.0%
A few a week - 23.8%
A few a month - 49.2%
Very rarely - 33.3%

Why do you like them?
Count towards your 5 a day - 55.0%
Taste good - 90.0%
Include vitamins - 25.0%
They look good - 20.0%

Do you make them yourself?
Yes - 52.4%
No - 52.4%

If yes, how do you make them (ingredients, using frozen fruit etc)?
(11 replies)
Ice cream, more ice cream... strawberries, peaches, mangos, bananas... any fruit really, whatever I have - just throw it in!
strawberry, pineapple. kiwi, banana
fruit, fruit juice
fresh fruit yogurt and juice
Frozen fruit, fresh juice. Sometimes I use yogurt or honey or ice cream. But usually it's frozen pineapple, frozen raspberries a pinch of cinnamon and pineapple juice. hhhhhm
frozen berries, bananas, strawberrys etc.
frozen red berries, a banana, some yoghurt. blitzed
Fresh fruit, fruit juices.
fresh fruit (not frozen), yoghurt, ice
frozen fruit and yogurt
ice, fruit and syrup :D

What is your favourite smoothie?
(20 replies)
i like them all :)
any with mango in it
Mango & Passion Fruit all the waaaayyyy
Banana & Pineapple
Strawberry mmm!!
Orange & Mango
a bit of everything, but more strawberry than the rest
apple and blackberry
strawberry and bananna and mango
the one i just said!
stawberry and bananas
raspberry, banana, stawberry, melon, everthing
strawberrys banana
To buy? Innocent are ace
strawberry and banana
banana and strawberry

What attracts you to a specific smoothie?
Brand - 17.6%
Packaging - 41.2%
Colour/Texture - 82.4%
Other (Please specify)
it has mango in it
the colour and consistency of the actual smoothie, and of course the ingredients

How important is the packaging when buying a smoothie?
It doesn't matter - 19.0%
It counts a little bit - 42.9%
Very important - 38.1%

Do you check the contents of the smoothie? (i.e, chemicals, colourings)
No - 66.7%
Yes - 33.3%

If yes, what do you find in them?
(6 replies)
not alot. but heather, im afraid it's all about the yoghurt drinks... :P x
Usually just fruit. Hoping to find a grenade one day and retire on the compensation.
i usually only buy the stupidly expensive ones and double check whats in them. i'll only but them if they've not got preservatives and the juice is fresh
proper smoothies? just fruit. maybe sugar
not much! which is good.

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