OUGD201 - Evaluation.

My research for the 'What is good?' brief wasn't so radicial as it had specified in the brief. I researched everything I felt was necessary, and had quite a wide range of it, but really struggled to think outside the box. I think this let me down slightly when coming to choose a concept, I had no 'fun' ways to go about it as my research was a little boring. It didn't help that there was already so much out there, so it was very hard to come up with a unique way to promote them. When it came towards the end of the project, I began to realise the many other ways I could of taken it, which would of enabled me to have a little more fun, which is what this brief was all about. I will definitely be a little more open minded, and not think too much into it in the future.

My investigation into print processes was good, I actually took a great interest into it and enjoyed finding everything out. It definitely opened my mind up to how important it is, and how much of a difference it can make to a design. I haven't blogged about all my findings, however, but I feel this knowledge is definitely shown in my Design for Print booklet. I also think I should have had a go at these print processes, I did have a go a laser cutting, and with the letters I cut out was going to do some embossing, but unfortunately left this too late and didn't do it. I am, however, going to make the most of this week and have a go. Though I did consider print finishes for my 'What is good' project, I feel I could of applied/considered so much more. Again, I could of had so much more fun with it. I will definitely be making the most of this knowledge in future projects.

I did struggle with my design development at the beginning, I think I was being too critical, and the fact that I had chose a boring concept didn't help. Its not that the work wasn't there, I just wasn't exploring as much as I should of been doing. After a talk with Lorenzo, however, I did get stuck in with it. I changed my concept, got out my markers, and began to have a little more fun. This was a fair way into the project, however, but once i'd got into it, ideas came to me a lot easier, and I found myself staying at college until 8/9pm without really realising. I did a lot of writing in the beginning too, but I felt that was necessary when choosing a concept and working out a market.

I am a fairly organised person, and so my research and design sheets were organised into folders. The presentation was always considered, and I was constantly critically evaluating my work, maybe a little too much at the beginning. I always work in an organised way, which I am realising is restricting my ideas a little. I think I need to start working a little more freely, to enable me to get all my ideas down effectively.

Within the 'What is good' project, I did leave it a little late to start developing my designs digitally, probably the result of changing my concept a fair way in. However, I am very pleased with the final products. I would of really liked to have actually made them, but was ristricted within college, and knew it was specified in the brief that they could be produced digitally. I feel i should of experimented with the packaging a little more, though, as I spent a lot of time developing my logo. I am very proud of my Design for Print booklet too. I began working on it at a very early stage, as it is something I really enjoy doing I was very eager to get on with it.

5 things I will do differently next time:

1. Be more practical. Try out the print processes and see if they are going to work with my designs, rather than everything being digital.
2. Be more radical with research. Think outside of the box. Also, get more primary research.
3. Do a lot more action plans on a weekly basis in order to organise my time more effectively.
4. Work freely and not to be too critical.
5. Have more fun!

In terms of commenting on any other issues, I am quite worried about the PDF. I understand the need for doing it, and it did prove very helpful in terms of reflecting back on my work, realising where I've gone wrong, the strengths, weaknesses, and things I could of done differently. However, since this PDF was only to pick out the key points, and we don't hand in our back up work, I'm worried the amount of work I've done isn't going to be recognised. I am also a little disappointed that this wasn't made very clear at the beginning of the module, as I had spent time and money printing out work to go in my development folders, and organising all my research and development sheets.

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