For the Final Crit.

I've just picked out the main development work that I feel is relevant, and have included the most recent animations.

'Pretty Woman' ident.

Pretty woman ident progress from Heather Bradley on Vimeo.

'Wedding Singer' ident.

Film reel ident - Progress from Heather Bradley on Vimeo.

'10 things I hate about you' ident.

Digital version.

10 things I hate about you - test 2 from Heather Bradley on Vimeo.

'You've got Mail' ident.

DVD Development

DVD intro 2 from Heather Bradley on Vimeo.

5 Questions

Are they working well as a set? - Will they stand out considerably from the existing e4 idents as well as blending in with their style?
Do you think these are suitable for my target audience? (a young audience, around 14-24, obviously female)
Any suggestions as to how/what I could do to make the '10 things I hate about you ident' slower/more readable?
Is there anything major thats lacking on my blogs?


  1. Hey
    Really like the idea above - the line drawing is awesome!

  2. Problem Analysis - Shown clear understanding of the problem.

    Context Understanding - Understanding of the imagery/animation movement to relate to the movie.

    Research - Great research into how the movement works with the music/sounds.

    Critical Awareness - Good critical awareness ongoing documentation + evaluation.

    Design Development - Shows understanding of what works and identified what doesn't.

    Visual Quality - Clear development worksheets easy to understand and visually engaging.

    It really works, cant wait to see the finals.

  3. Dear Heather, from Tim and Ian.

    Problem Analysis:
    + Identified audience etc, you have stuck to this and have a good rationale and reasoning as to why you chose your films.
    - More emphasis needed on the theme (RomCom/90's/Female).
    - Not sure if current solutions solve this. i.e. "convincing current generation.." etc.

    Contextual Understanding:
    - No evidence of film specific visuals, themes etc.

    + Plenty of, but..
    - Research is good, especially into idents, but it is mostly visual based, and not that relevant or relative to your work.
    - Looking at such would help inform and improve communication of your message.

    Critical Awareness:
    • Did you use storyboards to inform the initial AE work? Evident, strong boards are more recent posts, after the produced ideas - would you have benefited with doing the oposite? (though it may just appear so buy the order in which you uploaded things).
    - Comment and review each post more, so we get a better knowledge and understanding of your thoughts and ideas.

    Design Development:
    + Interface ideas work well. Nice simple motion and tied in theme with idents.
    + Pretty Woman development coming along nicely.
    - Need to think more about timing;
    • There isn't enough time for the information at the end (remember, your video screen will remain static on the last frame, but played as a TV ident after the 10 seconds it would immediately move to the next advert).
    • Maybe a little too much time spent on the 'skyscraper' animation, which also gets a little out of sync with the audio about half way through.
    • There is no indication that the film is for Pretty Woman, which the audience would need to know, along with when it is on. And would it also be worth mentioning that it is one film in a series?

    Visual Quality:
    + Clean, simple motion graphics.
    + You have made good use of simple movements, nothing is overcomplicated.
    - It seems you have jumped straight to the recognised purple for E4, is this really the most effective to communicate RomComs? (see answer to question one for more).

    Technical Competence:
    + Evidence of more than adequate skills in AE to produce the idents to a competent standard.
    - Not much variety of animations.

    • The only thing currently tying the idents together as a set is the purple colouring and E4 logo.
    • The 90's Romantic Comedy element doesn't shine through, and the film names are never specified or shown.
    • To solve the above you could make the animation sequences more independent and varied, and have the same/similar end sequences and appropriate information. This would also help them stand out from the existing E4 idents.

    • Suitable, yes. Though nothing that specifically relates to 14-24 females. But clean, quick vectors would appeal to a younger, contemporary/cosmopolitan audience.

    • Slower! Much slower, you cannot read any of the tags, therefore nothing to indicate the film or its content.
    • You could simplify the wiggly line, make the movement less complex, so the previously tag remains in frame and gives you more of a chance to read the type as it moves on to the next.
    • Stop or slow the motion when focussed on a particular tag. Alternatively, you could use the easy ease/ease in and out (taught with in the session when we made the pendulum motion) on keyframes, so the line motion keeps smooth but tags appear for longer, before moving to the next. Though I wouldn't worry about it if this sounds too complex.

    • Blog. As mentioned in previous points, context posts are in plentiful amounts, and great as general research but there isn't much that specifically relates to 90's RomComs or the style you have gone for.

    Hope this is thorough enough (ha!). Quite to the point, but fair and useful we hope. Very nice work so far, we can see your final idents looking great.


  4. Hey Heather :]

    You've hit the nail on the head with your target audience and your choice of channel and you seem to be fairly justified in your choice of films for the season. You just need to make the genre a little more obvious though.

    There's not much evidence of things that you've been looking into for inspiration. There's lots of research into vector graphics but not much into the genre.

    We feel that the channel selection is appropriate for this and you have the target audience down.

    You have stacks of storyboards, which is brilliant and really leyts us see how you've been working and what ideas you've been going through.

    Your visual quality is strong, good and consistent, the colour really holds it together. We know the purple is the default E4 colour but it really works for your idents.

    We really like the Pretty Woman ident, the timing is perfect and it's a really interesting concept for it.

    Your '10 Things I hate About You' ident is much too fast, and a little small. We feel you have to zoom in on it, speed up the panning along the lines but slow it down as it passes over the text.

    Other than that very good!

    -HJ x
