It's getting complicated.

This is where I'm at with the DVD menu. I think it looks complicated because I have a lot of animations. I have an intro animation for each menu, and then that animation reverses when a button is pressed. All my movies are on, just need to add in my pdf, storyboards and screen grabs. I'll upload screen grabs of the dvd menu soon. I'd like to be able to export it in a way that could be uploaded to my blog, but I think I'm going to struggle. Unless I made it a flash file, upload it onto a website and then reference it on my blog. I'll have a play.

One thing I'm disappointed about is the quality. It's quite a drastic change from the vector images and the text is becoming quite hard to read. I think it's readable though, but I don't like the way it looks, it's almost tacky, but guess there's not a great deal we can do about that.

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