A slight change of plan.

Just made a few minor changes to my Schematic. I just wanted it to be as simple as possible as well as including all the relevant information.
(click to view at a larger scale)

I've been back and changed the menu intro sequence that i'd already done, and also done one in reverse which will be played after a button has been pressed.

DVD main menu intro from Heather Bradley on Vimeo.

After clicking on the 'Silent movie' button, these 2 videos will then play.

DVD menu intro reversed from Heather Bradley on Vimeo.

Silent movie menu intro from Heather Bradley on Vimeo.

So, the line will move back out of the screen and then re enter at the side to reveal the next menu. This will then play after selecting an option on the menu.

Silent movie menu intro reversed from Heather Bradley on Vimeo.

I know the last 2 are a little too fast. I've already changed this.

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