The timetable.

We felt the best way to start this project was to be organised from the beginning. This is just a rough timetable I drew out today, making sure we both agreed to the time allocated as collaborative and individual. I've also added in scheduled sessions such as briefings and type/image modules.

I basically made a key, everything in green is where we will be working individually, the blue collaboratively and the red is scheduled lessons, crits etc.

I've gone away and produced a digital timetable to it can easily be altered if needed. This is the refined timetable that I've put together.

I filled in the first week with more detail as we know what we need to have done before wednesdays crit, so throughout this project we will be managing our time weekly to make sure we put in everything we need to do. We have decided to come back to this timetable every wednesday after the crits to fill in the necessary information.

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