
I think it's fair to say, and I'm sure Pearl will agree, that this collaboration didn't go too well.

I chose to work with Pearl because of her hands-on way of working, her illustration skills, the fact that she had good attendance and was hard working.

At the beginning of this project we both sat down and agreed on a timetable, working out when we would be working individually and times in the week we would be meeting to discuss what we had done. Unfortunately, this timetable was not kept to. There were missed meetings and discussions which really didn't help us.

For the majority of the project, I did feel like I was working alone. When reading back through my blog posts, I realise there is a lot of "I's" instead of "we's", which would look like I was taking control, but I was just forced to make decisions as Pearl wasn't there. Although she was at college, she was never in the studio which didn't help our collaboration. I think, for us, we should of worked together. Neither of us knew what the other was doing and it became a bit of a nightmare, both of us sometimes working on the same thing, unaware that the other was too.

Although in the contract we both agreed that I would do the type and Pearl would do the image, the circumstances changed and I found myself doing a lot of the image. Although Pearl had imagery, she wasn't experimenting enough, and it got to the point where it was a little too late to wait, so I tried out some ideas myself.

After the final crit, which I missed (please see earlier post), a few drastic changes were made. I was disappointed that my 3D type wasn't being used anymore, especially after the effort put into it, but it did end up being much more fun, which is what we wanted in the first place.

When it came to the last week, things did get a little better. We started to work together more, even if we were very frustrated with each other by then. The photo shoot went well, and we got some good images that I think we both were happy with.

As I already said, it didn't go too well. However, we did end up with some great, fun final pieces which we both liked.

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