Product, Range, Distribution - Evaluation.

I'm really happy with how this project has gone. Although I had quite a rough start with the logos, I really enjoyed it. I feel that everything came together really well in the end and I'm really pleased with what I've come out with.

There was a point in this project where I began to wish I'd chosen to do something else. Though I'd been told logo design wasn't what it seemed, it was still something I wanted to have a go at. After a few weeks of playing around, I was frustrated as I still didn't have anything I was happy with, nor did I have anything that I felt would represent a Type Factory. After a tutorial with Fred, I realised I was just playing around with the same idea and I wasn't feeding off my context blog. I was just starting with a blank canvas as Fred put it. The tutorial opened things back up and I began to get excited again. Finally I produced something I was very happy with and felt represented the Type Factory well.

My primary research wasn't as good in this project, I had very little. I looked at everything I felt was relevant, such as competitors and general material for museums and galleries, but I didn't have anything solid to go on. I think the main reason I found this difficult was because the Type Factory was completely fictional and therefore had no existing material. I feel my secondary research wasn't brilliant either. I was, however, told in one of the final crits that my context blog was running nicely beside my practice. I think this was because I was now feeding off my context blog instead of just putting stuff up there for the sake of it.

I was impressed with my time management through this project. I organised what I was doing at the beginning of every week and it surprised me how much that helped. I made sure I was at an almost final stage a week before the final crit, which was really helpful not only for feedback but it allowed me to continue working on it to a point where I was completely satisfied.

I made sure I was updating my blog on a daily basis, so this was up to date through the whole project. I did get into a habit of just posting images with the intention to come back and analyse later, which was a bad idea, but I got back out of that towards the end.

At times I felt that I was setting myself too much to do, being too ambitious with the range, but I'm glad that I was. I enjoyed working to so many different scales and formats. Even after doing all I set out to do, there is so much more that I would of liked to of done, and even had a go at doing at the very end.

I found the presentation boards really difficult in this project, which is something I normally found relatively easy. I struggled getting everything I wanted on there. Even now I'm not completely happy with what's on them. Fred specified that the research and development was to be included, but I had 6 boards for my final products. I know I should of put these onto 1-2 boards, but I felt uncomfortable doing that. I felt they needed a board of there own, and when asking others, they did too. I hope that it's ok that all development and research is on my blog. Also, my photos were poor and all needed editing in Photoshop. Though they eventually looked ok on screen, it was a different story when printed and I didn't have time to go back an re-photograph. I don't think it's a big issue, but photographing at a professional standard is definitely something I'm going to work on next year.

Overall I really enjoyed this project, and am happy that I have something to put in my portfolio that I'm proud of and feel represents me as a designer.

For collaborative evaluation click here.

Note: For project file please see all posts labelled 'Project file'.

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