Live Brief - The Digital Milk Round

This is the brief I was given by Bridget:

"Here goes.

On Friday 12th November, Leeds College of Art will host an event which forms part of Leeds Digital Festival.

This event is a recruitment / talent scouting event known as ‘The Digital Milk Round’. ‘Milk Round’ is a well known expression in larger Universities and refers to the practice of National and multi-national companies recruiting undergraduates direct from universities by putting on recruitment events between October and Easter. They want to grab Britain’s best talent at the earliest opportunity by promoting themselves direct to the undergrads.

WE are inviting 20 Digital Creative companies in the region (Yorkshire and Humberside) to come and promote their businesses to 3rd year Digital Creative undergrads form Leeds Met, University of Leeds and Leeds College of Art. The undergrads get the opportunity to see/ listen to 20 company presentations about ‘what we do’ and ‘why we would be a great company to work for’ and have speed-interviews with company representatives.

Here is some imagery to get you thinking. The copy is being produced by Marketing at the moment and I will pass that on before the end of the day.


Here are the images I was given:

Followed by:

"This will be an entirely Digital publicity campaign.

We need
· an e-flyer to attract undergrads

· background wallpaper for a twitter site

· a logo for use on signage and digital application forms.


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