What time have I got left?

Just a rough timescale for my briefs based on where I'm at now.

W/C 1st Nov
- Finish Digital Milk brief
- Finish AR, Great, Print Resolutions and BSM branding briefs
- Create something with the developed typeface
- 1 day branding brief - Friday

W/C 8th Nov
- Have all branding briefs finished and printed
- Come to a final resolution for the How Magazine, including the page spreads

W/C 15th Nov
- Have HOW magazine finished, printed and photographed
- Exhibition brief - logo - 2 day brief

W/C 22nd Nov
- Live D&AD brief - 2-3 day brief
- Continue with exhibition brief - signage, information booklet etc

W/C 29th Nov
- LCA Logo - 2 day brief
- Website & prospectus proposals - 3 day brief

W/C 6th Dec
- Finalise exhibition brief

Wednesday 15th - Module Submission

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