Pretty woman ident - Progress

Just added in the animation of the e4 logo. As is rolls over and deletes the city scape, it reveals the text. I think I've just about got that how I want it. I've still got a few more things I want to add in, such as the woman walking.

Pretty woman ident progress from Heather Bradley on Vimeo.

I was originally going to include a lot more colours in this. But, when in the crit, I was advised to keep to the purple. I think either way it's still relevant to my target audience. It's vibrant and keeps it to the e4 style.

I'm quite worried about how all my idents are going to work together as a set. The limited colour will help, and i'm trying to keep to a limited centered space on the screen for all of them. I am fairly confident it will be obvious that they are all promoting the same movie season.

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