Collaboration - Choosing our creative partner.

We've started the collaboration brief, and to get us started we had to create a poster to promote ourselves and show what we were looking for in our partner. 

I'm pretty happy with it to say it was to be done in an hour. I though I'd go against what I would normally do and get out a pencil and draw, instead of running to a computer, which is something I would like to do in this brief; create a more hands on approach to working. I wanted to show my interests in typography, as well as my skills in layout, and I feel these posters show that well.

When it came to choosing a partner, it was disappointing to see that the majority stuck with the partner they had originally planned. I hadn't already chose a partner before hand, so was one of the few that was without.

Luckily, Pearl also hadn't chosen a partner, and had the skills that I was looking for; an illustrator, image based, has a hands-on way of working, is reliable and has good attendance. Pearl was looking for a typographer, good with layouts and print processes and an organiser, which is what I had promoted myself as.

So, my partner for this collaberative brief is, Pearl.

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