Looking at the competition briefs.

Before looking into the briefs with my partner, I researched the briefs and chose one that I would like to work on individually, one to work on collaboratively and one that I didn't want to do.

The Ted Baker brief is one that I felt I would like to work on individually. It would be an oppertunity to work within a 3D space, which is something I haven't done before. I have seen window displays in the past that I have been very impressed with and would like to eventually have a go. The brief is quite open in terms of media etc, but there are restrictions.

The Feel Good Drinks brief is one I felt I would like to work on collaboratively. Though it is an open brief, it has a lot or material already and it's an opportunity to have a lot of fun. Though I have worked with drinks before (smoothies), I felt I didn't have as much fun with it as I could of done, but this was for an older, more sophisticated audience, where as this brief is for a younger audience. Also, when speaking to John, he felt my portfolio needed more colour, and I feel this could help.

The Google brief is one I wouldn't like to work with. When first reading it I felt it was a boring subject and was very limited as to what I could do with it. However, when looking into it in more depth, I found that it was actually very open and it did become more appealing.

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