Questionnaire results- so far.

Have you heard of Feel Good drinks?

Yes: 62.5%
No: 37.5%

If so, how have you heard from them?

From the brief
Seen them in shops, plus they have had many compition briefs for numerous years for dnad and ycn etc..
YCN brief
Seen them in the supermarket

Are there any particular drinks advertisements that have persuaded you to buy the drink?

Yes: 50%
No: 50%

If so, what was it for and why?

Innocent smoothies - healthy, looked genuine
Aero hot chocolate
When i was young i did think 7-up was pretty a cool brand/logo, no idea why, its worn off now.
Just water - fun imagery

Are there any advertisements in general that have made you laugh/smile?

Yes: 75%
No: 25%

If so, what was it for and why?

Lego years ago-they recently used it again.tommy cooper did the voice over,check it out.
Cadbury's gorilla advert
Boucing balls down the street (car advert)
Dancing in the london tubestation
Many different car ads
I liked the diet coke onces thats had the hunk in them, and the suductive music they made me laugh but nothing to do with the drink. also the evian babies on roller blades pretty cute, that cravendale milk makes me smile aswell
Uh i dunno, but erm yes

Things that make people feel good:

Smart use of typography
Seeing the Sea
Jumping with my arms and legs out, me and my sister always do it and makes us laugh instantly
A smile
Kids performances
Slap stick, people tripping/ falling over can be very funny
Dancing always makes me feel good, and makes everyone else laugh
Final blows in theatre performances
Babies (so cute)
Holding hands with someone, just the small things like that
Dogs and cats
When someone else laughs
Seeing a familiar face
Smell of white lillies
TV programs such as the I.T crowd
Exploring new places
Feels good to pamper yourself for a day, just have a day of and realax and pamper yourself
The colour green
Getting post
Nice texts
Night out with friends, always a good laugh
Looking good/ people complimenting me unprovoked
When its summer and an awseom tune comes on the radio, sticking my head out of the sun roof and singing at top of my voice (not while driving of corse)
Sun, sea and sand

Ones that are highlighted green are things relating to summer.
Ones that are highlighted in red are a physical action.

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