A rough rationale/statement of intent.

I probably shouldn't be writing this yet, but I wanted something to focus on for the 3rd year.

Typography is something that I have solely worked with for the past year, this isn't something I want to change. The more specific areas of interest that I would like to investigate include branding/corporate identity, which includes logos and stationary, and editorial work specifically considering layouts, and promotional material such as event posters and maybe the odd t-shirt.

To give an example of the kind of work I want to be creating is the 'type factory' brief I completed at the end of the second year. Creating the branding and then adapting this through a range of promotional material and stationary is something I want to touch more on.

Though I am currently interested in branding, I don't wan't to limit myself to just logos. I want to keep that 'range' option open.

I would also like to look into printing methods, one of these being silk screen printing. This is something that I have wanted to do for quite some time but haven't touched on properly. With this I would like to create something for aesthetic purposes only.

Adapting designs to the web, or anything digital for that matter, is something that I feel needs to be present in most of my work in order to show that I am considering it. This will include proposals for web design and general electronic delivery.

In terms of the style of work I would like to produce, I want to keep it simple. I like to use a limited number of colours per project and created clean, crisp designs.

I intend to continue to send out my portfolio and arrange visits to design studios and printers. I am hoping to pursue a placement over the easter period/reading weeks in a design studio. Not only will I bring a lot from this but the experience will look good on my CV.

A printed portfolio is something I intend to put together as soon as possible.

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