Questions for crit.

Do you think the 'g' logo for the great brief is suitable for an agency that specialises in branding?

Although my client is happy with the AR logo, something doesn't seem complete. Can you spot any issues?

Really struggling to think of some questions, any general feedback on logos, colour, layouts would be great.

Please note the front of the Print Resolutions business card is meant to be spot varnished.

1 comment:

  1. Heather,

    Just some points from the crit regarding your questions and some after thoughts from looking at your blog.


    The 'g' looks quite corporate and plain. For a company specializing in branding you may want to develop a more original letterform and something less cold and corporate.

    Market Week:

    Conceptually very strong and the problem was well identified. The logo itself was particularly corporate, my only concern was that the colours didn't reflect any of the college's promo material.

    In future, also present 3 separate treatments. Three times the work and it allows the client to visualise the particular logo that they may like.


    The outer strokes are pretty bold overall, these cold be reduced a little. The type on the business cards in my (and gasi's) opinion isn't that sympathetic to the logo.

    Overall, the resolutions look fairly safe (which in my eyes often happens with a live client) but you could perhaps develop a more experimental treatment for each and present them as your own on your blog... 'this is what I would have personally chosen' type thing. Then you get a corporate, live piece into your portfolio as well as a piece you like yourself?

    This seems to be the problem I am having also. But then the brief was designed to work with clients... not produce the best work that I have ever done. Maybe adjust your rationale accordingly.

