How magazine - layouts

Though the logo isn't final, I wanted to get on with some layouts for the cover of the magazine.

When I first decided to do this brief, I had in mind that it would be square format, so I've kind of stuck with that. I do like it, and it's different to what they have at the moment, which is an standard A format. I might look into it again later on.

On their current magazine, they have the strip of block colour on the left hand side. I quite like this so had a look into what I could do with that.

This one is looking the most successful at the moment. I want a simple layout that can be applied to each monthly issue easily.

Also thinking that each monthly issue could have a different colour, maybe depending on the time of year. This way, if you have the whole collection, they would work well as a set but still have something different about each one.

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